Compliance at Vossloh Rolling Stock

For us, compliance means acting in accordance with all applicable laws and the company's internal policies. As a long-established and internationally active company, we accept our social responsibility towards customers, partners, the public and our employees. This means that every member of Vossloh Rolling Stock must always and everywhere comply with applicable laws and respect fundamental ethical values in the course of his or her work for our company. The principles applicable to Vossloh Rolling Stock are fully and clearly documented in our multilingual Compliance Manual. This manual reflects the company's own compliance management system, which in turn is designed to minimise risks from the outset and to counter violations immediately. It is closely linked to our Code of Conduct, which is binding on all employees. Among other things, the Compliance Manual focuses on the observance of competition law and the prevention of corruption. Vossloh Rolling Stock has developed and established a whistleblower system to uncover and punish potential violations. This enables both employees and external parties to anonymously report a suspected case. Each report is systematically followed up.

The effectiveness of our compliance management system is continually reviewed and improved where necessary.

If you have any questions or comments on compliance, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Phone: +49 431 3999 2164

Compliance Manual

Please refer to the Vossloh Rolling Stock Compliance Manual for the complete documentation of our Compliance Management System.

Download Compliance Manual

Code of Conduct

Vossloh Rolling Stock has implemented a Code of Conduct that is binding at all levels of the company at all times. It specifies our corporate values and forms the basis for our behaviour in our day-to-day work - and therefore also for the Compliance Management System. Find out more here.

Download Code of Conduct

Whistleblower system

Vossloh Rolling Stock encourages all employees and external persons associated with our company to report possible breaches of regulations. Reports can be submitted electronically via the whistleblower system, which can be used in several languages and is securely encrypted. If required, sound or image recordings can also be uploaded. And if desired, a personal meeting can also be arranged in this way.

The whistleblower is free to submit the individual report anonymously. Irrespective of this, our company assumes that every report is made truthfully and impartially.

Directly to the whistleblower system

Responsible external reporting bodies

The EU Whistleblower Directive and its national implementing legislation provide whistleblowers with the right to contact external reporting bodies at the competent institutions, bodies, offices or agencies of the European Union or the federal and state governments. Below you will find an overview of the authorities that are the responsible external reporting bodies in the EU member states relevant to the Vossloh Rolling Stock whistleblower system

Responsible external reporting bodies